Welcome to 2025 @ Gold creek trout farm
The smaller pond opens 3/22/2025
The farm is pack it in pack it out. This means you take your trash with you.
You must use what we have here unless it's posted as bring your own gear on that day.
**Guidelines for bring your own gear.
All poles must be checked in @ the cleaning shed.
You must have your own bait and clean your own fish with your knife.
Once that pole hit's the water we will not clean any fish in your party.
Hooks #6 or smaller no treble hooks. We sell hooks here, stop cutting them off our poles.
FYI, save time have your pole ready to be checked when you arrive.
March Hours
March 1st and 2nd 10-2 Bring your own gear or use what we have here.
March 8th and 9th 10-2 Bring your own gear or use what we have here.
March 15th and 16th 10-2
March 22nd and 23rd 10-2
March 29th and 30th 10-2
April Hours
April 5th and 6th CLOSED
April 12th and 13th 10-3
April 19th and 20th 10-3
April 26th and 27th Bring your own gear or use what we have here.
May Hours
May 3rd and 4th 10-3
May 10th 10-3
May 11th Mother's Day-10-3 NO self-cleaning station available. You can take the fish home to clean or pay us to clean them.
May 17th and 18th 10-3
May 24th, 25th and 26th, Memorial Day 10-3 Bring your own gear or use what we have here.
May 31st 10-3
June Hours
June 1st 10-3
June 7th and 8th 10-3 Bring your own gear or you may use what we have here.
June 14th 10-3
June15th Father's Day 10-3 NO self-cleaning station available. You can take the fish home to clean or pay us to clean them.
June 21st and 22nd 10-3
June 28th and 29th 10-3
July Hours
July 4th, 5th and 6th 10-3 Bring your own gear or you may use what we have here.
July 12th and 13th 10-3
July 19th and 20th 10-3
July 26th and 27th 10-3
August Hours
August 2nd and 3rd CLOSED
August 9th and 10th Bring your own gear or use what we have here.
August 16th and 17th 10-3
August 23rd and 24th 10-3
August 30th and 31st 10-3
More hours possibly later.
*Ever hear it only takes one bad apple? The reason behind if you bring your own pole, you clean your own fish is because people would cut the line then they would bring their fish up to be cleaned and not tell us. We would get hooked.
One day dad brings the bucket up, didn't tell me the hook was in the fish, and I get hooked I had to step away to check my finger. The guy is laughing at me "I see you found my hook."
Gratuity (tips) welcome. This helps the farm with replacing poles and buckets that have been broken, new lines, hooks, bait supplies, hook removers and more.
*2024 was a bad year for bring your own pole.
People are cutting our hooks off our poles instead of buying hooks we sell here 4 hooks for One dollar.
We have also seen their extra line on the ground, some of the lines have hooks in them.
People ask why some days are bring in your own pole, well.... if the costumer pick's the day they want to bring their pole in we have to charge sales tax, if we pick the day, you bring in your own pole we don't have to charge sales tax.
*Dad and son come up to the cleaning shed. We are small chatting with them, I ask the boy are you going to help dad cook the fish? He looks at me and say's " I have a mom."
*Never thought we would have to post this. Stop peeing in our yard!! You will be asked to leave, no matter the reason or age of the person!!
There is NO catch and release. No putting the fish back.
No pets allowed. No smoking.
Visa/Mastercard (NO APPLE PAY) Convenience fee 3% of sales, cash saves. No checks
Fee for bags. Each bag .09 cents bring your own.